Our Muscat takes its name from a beautiful vineyard that covers the tip of quite an elevated hill. Muscat is pure, naked in its essentials. You can perceive all the perfumes just by pressing a single grape. Muscat has taught me that less is more. I just need to stand by it to it to obtain, every year, its typical cloud of fragrance. You can drink it in whatever part of the world you wish, but it will always bring you back to our vineyards in Castiglione Tinella.
CharacteristicsYellow, changing towards green, vivid, brilliant. Intense, polyhedral: it recalls orange flowers, yellow peach, sage and just picked Muscat grapes. Sweet and harmonic, well balanced, with a typical Muscat's acidity.
Alcohol content5 % Voi. real and 12.7% Voi. potential.
PreservationMuscat's virtue lays in its exuberance, explosiveness, and brightness. Best if drunk young, to better catch ali its vigor.
Recommended paringsCookies, tartes and leavened desserts. Pleasant before meals, with savory finger food.
Serving Temperature: 4/5 °C.