A third edition. Imperial Rome evoked in a bottle affording the best bartenders a curiously unusual ingredient. To be drunk neat at first so as to appreciate its depth, evolutions and variations.
Beware: this rum will come to an end, and so will any recipes featuring it. This fills us with pride as nothing should be conceived to be repeated forever. Change must be informed by what occurs in our world each day.
The nose and palate evoke a lengthy promenade from the gates to Asia through Greece and the south of Italy to the lavender fields of Provence and further to Andalusia. Dried figs, dates, linden honey, alcohol-pickled fruit, then fruits firmed up by the sunand caramel, candied apriccot, sweet spices, saffron. Equally opulent, balanced, fascinating, virile, generous, expressive, untiring to the mouth. We are surprised, conquered, convinced and attracted. And we never get weary.